Relient K: “MMHMM” from MMHMM
About “MMHMM” “MMHMM” is a hidden song by Relient K from their album MMHMM. Just a 15 second-long song. Lead singer Matthew T. made a public comment about hidden tracks being dumb, and this...
About “MMHMM” “MMHMM” is a hidden song by Relient K from their album MMHMM. Just a 15 second-long song. Lead singer Matthew T. made a public comment about hidden tracks being dumb, and this...
About “Silly Shoes” “Silly Shoes” is a hidden song by Relient K from their album Two Lefts Don’t Make A Right…But Three Do. We don’t have any additional information about “Silly Shoes”. Can you...
About “Skittles And Combos” “Skittles And Combos” is a hidden song by Relient K from their album The Anatomy Of The Tongue In Cheek. “We love Skittles and Combos, if you wanna see our...