Marilyn Manson: “Untitled” from Mechanical Animals
About “Untitled” “Untitled” is a hidden song by Marilyn Manson from their album Mechanical Animals. This song is only found by putting the CD into your PC. It will show two pieces of artwork...
About “Untitled” “Untitled” is a hidden song by Marilyn Manson from their album Mechanical Animals. This song is only found by putting the CD into your PC. It will show two pieces of artwork...
About “Untitled” “Untitled” is a hidden song by Marilyn Manson from their album Antichrist Superstar. There are 99 tracks on the CD, but tracks 17-98 are blank. Track #99 is Manson talking with weird...
About this hidden track (Title Unknown) is a hidden song by Marilyn Manson from their album Portrait Of An American Family. Begins with a phone ringing. The phone continues ringing until 12:39 when an...
About this hidden track (Title Unknown) is a hidden song by Marilyn Manson from their album Smells Like Children. Begins with a baby screaming then goes into some weird voices and a guy yelling....