About “Between The 1 And The 9”
“Between The 1 And The 9” is a hidden song by Patti Rothberg from her album Between The 1 And The 9.
Not known to be available anywhere else, except possibly on some bootleg live recordings.
About Between The 1 And The 9
Between The 1 And The 9 marks a significant album by Patti Rothberg, released in 1996. Rothberg’s distinctive blend of alternative rock and folk influences shines through in this debut work. The title references the New York City subway line, setting the backdrop for the album’s urban-themed tales. Tracks like “Inside” and “Treat Me Like Dirt” highlight Rothberg’s raspy yet soulful vocals and her knack for crafting catchy hooks. The album captures a raw, unfiltered energy and introspection, exemplifying the spirit of the 90s alternative music scene.
Between The 1 And The 9 received critical acclaim for its honest songwriting and Rothberg’s dynamic performance. The album’s unique sonic tapestry, coupled with its heartfelt narratives, established Rothberg as a distinctive voice in the era’s music landscape. It remains a testament to her songwriting prowess and her ability to create a captivating musical journey that resonates with listeners.
How to find “Between The 1 And The 9”
On CD: Go directly to track #19
Listen to “Between The 1 And The 9”
“Between The 1 And The 9” was submitted to HiddenSongs.com by David Emprimo. Can you add something? Please let us know!
Click here to buy Between The 1 And The 9 on CD, MP3 album, or vinyl at Amazon (US)
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