Korn: “Twist (Vocal)” from Life Is Peachy

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Korn: Life Is Peachy

About “Twist (Vocal)”

“Twist (Vocal)” is a hidden song by Korn from their album Life Is Peachy.

This is the vocal version of “Twist” (Track #1); you can faintly hear the music in the background as Jonathan Davis sings. This may only appear on the Australian import version of Life Is Peachy.

About Life Is Peachy

Korn’s second studio album, Life Is Peachy, was released in 1996 and continued to establish the band’s signature sound that was created on their debut album. This album is often considered one of the band’s heaviest, with its heavy guitar riffs and raw, emotional lyrics. The album features hit songs such as “A.D.I.D.A.S.” and “No Place to Hide,” which showcase lead vocalist Jonathan Davis’ unique vocal style that blends aggressive rapping and intense screaming. Life Is Peachy also includes some experimental tracks, such as “Kill You” which features a bagpipe intro and “Mr. Rogers,” which samples dialogue from the children’s television show. The album’s overall sound has been described as chaotic and abrasive, but it also has a certain raw energy that has helped to establish Korn as one of the most influential bands in the nu-metal genre.

How to find “Twist (Vocal)”

On CD: Begins 5-6 minutes after the end of track 14

Listen to “Twist (Vocal)”

“Twist (Vocal)” was submitted to HiddenSongs.com by Julia. Can you add something? Please let us know!

Click here to buy Life Is Peachy on CD, MP3 album, or vinyl at Amazon (US)

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