About “Noch Einmal”
“Noch Einmal” is a hidden song by Farin Urlaub from his album Am Ende der Sonne.
The German title translates to “once again” in English.
About Am Ende der Sonne
Am Ende der Sonne is the third solo studio album by Farin Urlaub, the lead guitarist and vocalist of the popular German punk rock band Die Ärzte. Released in 2005, this album showcases Urlaub’s songwriting prowess and musical versatility.
The album covers a range of styles, from punk rock to pop rock, and features Urlaub’s trademark wit and humor in its lyrics. Songs like “Phänomenal Egal” and “Der ziemlich okaye Popsong” are notable tracks that highlight his songwriting skills and distinctive vocal delivery.
Am Ende der Sonne received positive reviews and cemented Farin Urlaub’s reputation as a solo artist in addition to his contributions to Die Ärzte. The album’s diverse sound and memorable tunes make it a favorite among German-speaking punk and rock fans.
How to find “Noch Einmal”
On CD: Rewind approximately 4 minutes past the beginning of track #1 (“Mehr”)
On vinyl: Appears after track #14 (“Dusche”)
Listen to “Noch Einmal”
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Click here to buy Am Ende der Sonne on CD, MP3 album, or vinyl at Amazon (US)
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