About “Foreshadowing (Over And Out)”
“Foreshadowing (Over And Out)” is a hidden song by Duncan Sheik from his album Humming.
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About Humming
Duncan Sheik’s album Humming is a remarkable work that showcases the singer-songwriter’s musical evolution and his venture into a more experimental and electronic sound. Released in 1998, it followed the success of his self-titled debut album, which featured the hit single “Barely Breathing.”
Humming marked a departure from the acoustic folk-pop style of his earlier work. It delves into a more ethereal and electronic realm, with Sheik experimenting with synthesizers and incorporating a broader sonic palette. The album features tracks like “Bite Your Tongue” and “In the Absence of Sun,” which reflect a more introspective and atmospheric side of his songwriting.
Lyrically, the album explores themes of longing, desire, and introspection, with Sheik’s introspective and poetic lyrics shining through. While Humming didn’t achieve the same commercial success as his debut, it garnered critical acclaim for its artistic growth and willingness to explore new musical territories.
For fans of Duncan Sheik’s work, Humming is a captivating and evocative journey into a more experimental sound, showcasing his versatility and willingness to evolve as an artist. It remains an intriguing chapter in his discography, highlighting his ability to adapt and innovate while staying true to his core identity as a songwriter.
How to find “Foreshadowing (Over And Out)”
On CD: Go directly to track #12
Listen to “Foreshadowing (Over And Out)”
“Foreshadowing (Over And Out)” was submitted to HiddenSongs.com by EAM. Can you add something? Please let us know!
Click here to buy Humming on CD, MP3 album, or vinyl at Amazon (US)
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