About “Come Out Of The Hayloft Mabel”
“Come Out Of The Hayloft Mabel” is a hidden song by Captain Tractor from their album East Of Edson.
Note that the “silence” between the last listed track of the album and “Come Out Of The Hayloft Mabel” isn’t actually silent. If you turn the volume up very loud, you can hear the band clang their instruments once in a while, chatting & laughing. It’s as if they just decided to wait for 5 minutes before playing “Come Out Of The Hayloft Mabel” without turning the recording equipment off.
About East Of Edson
Captain Tractor’s album East Of Edson is a perfect example of Celtic rock blended with country and bluegrass music. The album features a wide range of songs with catchy beats and thought-provoking lyrics that reflect their love for Canada’s history and culture. The opening track, “Up the Hill,” immediately grabs the listener’s attention with its upbeat rhythm and fast-paced lyrics.
The album also showcases the band’s ability to experiment with different musical styles, including the use of traditional instruments such as fiddles, bagpipes, and mandolins. The title track, “East of Edson,” is a perfect example of this, with its haunting melody and introspective lyrics.
East Of Edson is a well-crafted album that showcases Captain Tractor’s unique blend of musical styles and their love for their homeland. The album is a must-listen for fans of Celtic rock and anyone who enjoys well-crafted music with a deep connection to its roots.
How to find “Come Out Of The Hayloft Mabel”
On CD: Play through the last track
Listen to “Come Out Of The Hayloft Mabel”
“Come Out Of The Hayloft Mabel” was submitted to HiddenSongs.com by Julie Orlando. Can you add something? Please let us know!
Click here to buy East of Edson on CD, MP3 album, or vinyl at Amazon (US)
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